Posts tagged ‘Bullying’

March 16, 2011

Another Youth Lost to Anti-Gay Bullying

On February 23rd our country lost another youth to bullying.  Nicholas Kelo JR, just 13, took his life with a gun in his own home.  Nicholas became the subject of anti-gay simply because he switched activities in school.  Kelo stopped playing football and began playing in the band, and rumors began to circulate around the school that he was gay.  It is unclear if Nicholas was indeed gay but rumors got out of control one incident even led to another student spitting on Kelo on a bus ride home.  Even though Nicholas spoke with his mother about bullies at school, this brilliant boy (152 IQ) took his life.

This is absurd that this behavior is being tolerated.  We have President Obama holding press conferences and then people like Sarah Palin accepting her teen daughter using the word “fag” to bully on facebook.  Parents must have conversations about bullying and being bullied!  We see everyday “adults” being homophobic bigots and using religion and/or political stance as an acceptable excuse for their behavior.  Then when their children mimic their behaviors they are accepted as “traditions”.  I wonder if these parents can imagine losing their child to such hatred.  If your child is being bullied be proactive!  Don’t just act like it will go away or that it’s just part of growing up.  It isn’t.  It leaves scars.  It ends lives.  This isn’t just for parents either we are all responsible for protecting and guiding the younger generations.  Stop bullies in their tracks!  Bullies are cowards and should be confronted!  We cannot keep losing young people in this manner.  It takes a village and the LGBT community has incredible strength to share with LGBT youth.  As a society we HAVE to stop throwing around derogatory terms like they mean nothing.  If this child was gay it is not for anyone but himself to have outed him.  Children must be educated about their words and damage words can do!  Tolerance must be practiced at home and taught to children.

LGBT youth and youth in general, please, it gets better!  Continue to STAND IN YOUR TRUTH!  Use online resources for support, we are everywhere!


March 12, 2011

Standing-room only at RI gay marriage hearing

Standing-room only at RI gay marriage hearing.


Prayers are with the Baker-Tevyaw FAMILY!  Everyday loving couples unjustly lose inheritance because they are being denied their human rights!   This has so little to religion.  This is about the equal benefits being denied to lifelong couples because they are not allowed to be married.  It is absurd to think that gender has anything to do with marriage.  Where does the love come into the picture?

Opponents you are sad sad hate filled people with sick excuses for being bigots.  No one is bullying you.  Keep USING God as your vice I’m sure He’s thrilled you use His name in HATE!  SHAME ON YOU! SHAME ON YOU! SHAME ON YOU!

My loving LGBT community there is so much proof in this article that we are being heard.  There is A LOT of reasons to know it gets better.  We must continue to STAND IN OUR TRUTH!  We must never be defeated!  We must continue our fight for EQUALITY!   We will win!


March 12, 2011

Does it Matter How We Have Sex?

The Maryland gay marriage bill died without a final vote Friday.  It broke my heart because I was sure that this bill would make the 6th state to recognize and perform equal marriage rights.  Representatives in favor of equal rights to all citizens said they would try again next year.  Sadly, NOM believes this day was a victory for marriage, and are proud to deny rights to people.  The fact that this hate spewing group exists in America, sickens me.

The same tired excuses were thrown around Friday as to why same-sex couples do not have the right to marry.  Yet none of these excuses for hate add up to logical reason.  My favorite is “couples of the same gender can’t reproduce”.  So, big deal.  How many straight couples cannot or do not want to have children.  You going to take away their right to marry as well?  The funniest “gay men can only have anal sex”.  BAHAHAHAHA!  Fools!  Any idea how many straight couples have and enjoy anal sex?  Also, there is oral sex which is also enjoyed by many straight couples as well.  Why does how a person has sex with their spouse determine their right to marry?  It doesn’t.  If sex life detirmined right to marriage all these people that don’t have oral or anal sex, DENIED!  Reason – BORING and PRUDE!  Another “marriage is a man and a woman”.  I find it interesting that people that have done such a magnificent job proving they can handle the sanctity of marriage are suddenly capable of  defining it.  Did they learn this from their 1st, 2nd, or 3rd (some 4th, 5th, 6th…) marriage?  Or maybe the people they were having affairs with?  From the hookers they paid to sleep with them told them?  OR maybe maybe it’s all the happy male/female marriages that exist (sarcasm).  Think about how many straight people you hear say “I’m never getting married.  It’s a trap.”?  So what makes total fu*k ups on a subject such experts?  *Crickets*  Interesting isn’t it.

This bill truly did upset me today to the point that I didn’t even want to write about it.  I considered moving to another country since this one doesn’t want LGBT people.  I was furious to know that another year would go by without equality for LGBT.  Then the more I thought about this the more empowered I became.  Do you know how much planning can be done in a year?  How much this loving, caring, first class group of citizens can achieve in 1 year.  They may have knocked us back, but they will NEVER knock us down.  We are human beings that deserve to have rights just as any other living breathing person does.  I will dedicate myself to this cause.  Here and now I promise that I will do everything I can think of to do more than my part to get us the rights we deserve!  I will not be quiet, I will not run away to another part of the world, WE will have our rights and there isn’t a DAMN thing any hateful, cruel, bullying, bigot on their 3rd or 4th marriage can do about that.  We got this!





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